About me

The Tarot Journey

I started discovering Tarot cards around year 2004, alongside learning Reiki the same year. Courtesy Reiki, the interest in the mystical had already started to take effect. As Reiki is practiced the intuition starts to develop, and this led to a greater curiosity about Tarot. This urge to know more led me to research Tarot thoroughly and, as I got more involved, I developed a good understanding of Tarot card meanings.

Tarot cards involve detailed pictures using spiritual symbology across cultures. The symbols are a language of the subconscious mind. While doing tarot readings colors, symbols and things in the cards would stand out and convey their messages for the querent. The cards speak and to hear them you should be a good listener.

It was then that I learnt Tarot in depth, in terms of the symbology depicted on the cards, its meaning, and its significance. Equipped with the right knowledge, I have been reading the cards since 2006.
Now I read the cards with the double advantage of knowledge and intuition. The readings are solution based. A typical session lasts around an hour.
It was then that I learnt Tarot in depth, in terms of the symbology depicted on the cards, its meaning, and its significance. Equipped with the right knowledge, I have been reading the cards since 2006.

Now I read the cards with the double advantage of knowledge and intuition. The readings are solution based. A typical session lasts around an hour.

Apart from practicing Tarot, I also teach. The Tarot Learning Course is designed to help even beginners understand the cards well. The deck I use is the widely used Rider Waite deck. The course includes a ‘Tarot Manual’. The card meanings are well explained and I focus on providing enough practice for various spreads.

The readings and classes are undertaken with prior appointment.

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